Around up of december at Swagger = Busy

 Wow what a month, it was very busy but throughly enjoyable. We loved helping all the guys coming in looking very lost stepping into the pink unknown world of 'Swagger' some of the descriptions of products their friends/girlfriends/wife's & Mothers had given them did make us 'swagger staff' giggle, often so very vague we would end up guessing or just making suggestions of something completely different. 99% of the men always wanting it wrapped in our signature pink tissue paper. Did you get a swagger parcel this christmas & was it anything like the item you had hinted for?

Just like the Asda advert we seen hundreds of women running around looking very stressed often with big list in their hand. in comparison to last year it appeared a lot of people started their shopping later this year, surprising to us christmas eve was crazy busy again with lost of women last minute shopping, we tried closing at 3pm as planned but by 3.20pm had to turn people away. 'I needed to get home & plan my own christmas' we had been open 7days a week the whole of december with late night openings, I to was unorganised and last minute panic shopper!

So what was our best sellers? 

Everything in our christmas room went down amazingly well and we can assure you it will be open again from next october. I've had a sneak peak at few new Christmas products and like our best selling metal hearts in store they will be bringing these out in Christmas trees! this will be straight on my order list...

One of our top Christmas sellers had to be 'Bomb cosmetic Bath bombs' £1.99each, wrapped in cello with a lovely red ribbon made these a perfect stocking filler. 

We sold hundreds of scarves priced between £5.99-£9.99 which made a lovely gift under £10. Customers loved the selection of styles & colours in store.

Online & in store best selling wallet had to be 'The aviary hummingbird Wallet' from Disaster Designs. We Sold out the week before Christmas and unfortunately had some disappointed customers. They will sure to be in stock again soon.

The new money Tins from 'The bright side' especially the chocolate fund flew out the door with request for them over & over. obviously 'The man Tin' for a second year running never let us down, making many lost women happy because at the £6.99 price point it makes a super perfect gift for any man.

Last but not least 'Joma Jewellery' we almost had people fighting over this fabulous collection of jewellery. The 'little...' Bracelets were a hot seller at £9.99 each and presented in a gift box were bought many of times for secret santa gifts. One local company mostly a team of women reported they all ended up given each other Joma jewellery from swagger in the secret santa which caused most delight and amusement! 

Though hectic at times we loved Christmas 2012 with lots of customers in very jolly spirit & enjoying our Michael Bublé CD sometimes having a sign along, it made it all worth while so thanks to the Swagger Girls, we made it through another great Christmas!


Heres to 2013 lots of exciting things happening with swagger watch this space! 

Alice x 

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